Are your interlocking pavers blackened, attacked by moss or by weed regrowth? Are you looking for the right cleaning solution for them? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. There are several cleaning ways to use on pavers. But, what to clean pavers with? Let’s discuss!

What to Clean Pavers With?
There are many professional products dedicated to the maintenance and cleaning of pavers. Depending on your needs and the condition of pavers, you will need to opt for a specific protective product. Indeed, interlocking paving stones have the particularity of being an extremely porous and friable coating, thus notwithstanding aggressive treatments. It is, therefore, necessary to favor the purchase of products specially designed for outdoor paving stones so as not to alter their appearance:
- Pressure washer
- Cleaner, special degreaser for paving stones
- Anti-foam cleaner.
- Weedkiller
- Anti-stain protector: oil and water repellents
Let’s discuss in detail how you can use these products on your interlocking pavers!
Pressure Washer Cleaning
The ultimate weapon to clean your interlocking paving driveway is a Karcher, also known as a pressure washer. If you don’t have a Karcher, you can decide to get one, as it will come in handy for many other outdoor cleaning jobs. You can also hire it for a day at a reasonable price. That said, before you get down to cleaning your interlocking pavers, it is best to remove all existing foams first.
Use of Weedkillers for Cleaning
One of the main problems is the growth of weeds between interlocking pavers. The best solution for removing weeds is to spray a suitable weedkiller. Applying a weed killer once a year is enough to eliminate the weeds present and limit its regrowth drastically. We recommend choosing a systemic weedkiller that attacks the plants in depth until reaching the root: quackgrass, dandelion, bindweed. Use a ready-to-use weedkiller with an integrated sprayer, so you won’t have to worry about the dosage.
Anti-foam Cleaner
To remove the foam grafted to your pavers, use an anti-foam liquid that eliminates mosses and lichens on paving stones while protecting and preventing them from reappearing. An anti-foam is a colorless product that does not stain your pavers. So-called “concentrated” anti-foaming agents are intended for large surfaces and must be diluted beforehand with water. The ready-to-use defoamers are already diluted; all you have to do is spray the product on pavers.
Anti-stain Protectors
Once you’ve cleaned your pavers, it’s best to protect them with a floor waterproofer to prevent stains, also known as stain removers.
- The water-repellent treatment acts as water protection, prevents water from penetrating between the pavers and thus limits the formation of weeds.
- The oil-repellent treatment acts against the absorption of grease and stains. It is recommended if you park your car on your driveway or if you have a barbecue.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact West Coast Pavers, Inc., experts providing professional consultation and installation service for concrete interlocking brick paver design for over 20 years. You are also offered a wide range of high-quality pavers and tiles at West Coast Pavers.